Loving Earth Project is helping people engage with climate issues without becoming overwhelmed, through a mix of guided meditation and a community textile project, all motivated by love. Different events have slightly different balance of activities, and anyone is welcome to make one or more panel in any form of textile but of standard 30x30cm size, and send it along with a short text, to join our travelling exhibitions. Details and a variety of resources to enable people to get make panels (alone or in community) are at https://lovingearth-project.uk .
We are also running a variety of online events in the next six months or so, and are planning to take the textile panels that people make to display in Glasgow at the time of COP 26 in November. see https://lovingearth-project.uk/events-2/. We hope that this will remind people of some of the people, places, creatures etc that are at stake, and of what people are already doing towards a more sustainable future.
Initiated by Quakers, we hope to have a wide variety of faiths, cultures and places represented in our travelling exhibition and welcome invitations to display it in 2022 and 2023.