Long before humans and our way of seeing the world arrived on the scene, Earth evolved and supported life and climates, seasons and landscapes… Our ancestors had a better sense of their coming from and belonging to Earth – learning from, being in tune, cooperating.
Our current global situation is far removed from what was taken to be normal then. Returning to a closer and cooperative relationship with the planet is not only possible, but essential. To slow down and take another look at how Earth and her ways has percolated our sense of connection, belonging, and being, is time well spent.
Earth’s ways have infused the formation of what mystics and monks value in their days and ways. Looking at their practices in the light of Earth being the source of inspiration can help people of any or no spiritual or religious tradition come back to something important.
Groups of us around the world have been doing just that by working through “Earth, Our Original Monastery” published by Christine Valters Paintner. Christine is a Benedict oblate and founder of the online Abbey of the Arts (www.abbeyofthearts.com).
I’ve been accompanying a group that has met monthly over the seven month series. Hosted by St Bede’s Pastoral Centre in York, UK (www.stbedes.org.uk), it was advertised through St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, LSC, and The Abbey of the Arts networks.
People who registered for the series have worked on line, using what I’ve called a zoom sandwich. We have an hour together on zoom, then go off for a break and to use creative practices. For those who choose to, we come back together to share lunch, and then we all meet for another hour of sharing.
The creative practices that foster contemplation are repeated each month with a different focus. There’s a meditation, a herbal invitation, a contemplative walk, a visual art exploration, and a written exploration.
Zoom has allowed us to share images and music, body movement and poetry, to be together and in smaller groups.
I’ve learned that it is possible to create community and a sense of connection through online activities offered by the abbey. They use an online platform called Ruzuku for people to interact with material and each other.
During our own series we have been pleased with how the free resource of Google Classroom has worked for us. We post resources before and after each meeting, and it is a place for everyone to interact between the monthly meetings.
In parallel to my accompanying people through the book, Christine discerned the thirst for a mentoring forum, hosted by the abbey. Here we meet on zoom each month. Christine outlines main themes of each chapter, and we all share and support each other. This forum has been a valued support to those of us setting out to present the abbeys work in all sorts of ways around the world.
St Bede’s will run “Earth, our original monastery” in next year’s programme.
In LSC I oversee the arts and spirituality special interest area. This comes from using creativity to express and understand myself in different ways for many years. I see myself as an expressive artist.
Readers might like to visit our website pages that relate to art and spirituality, and to use “The Gallery” to relax and enjoy images of artists known to us. https://home-5016243824.webspace-host.com/wordpress/the-gallery-2/. We also have a private Facebook group where people are most welcome to share their work, events, resources and thoughts.
I discovered St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, Living Spirituality Connections (that was The Living Spirituality Network), and The Abbey of the Arts at different points in my explorations. It is rather a wonder to me that I am now part of sharing their work, as well as continuing to receive from them.
“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
Mary Oliver
With this in mind, I’m preparing a 12 month series that will accompany people through another of Christine’s books, The Artists Rule. It is one of the abbeys books and retreats that has been very special to me over the years. Anyone who would like to express an interest in joining the series, that will begin in Autumn, is welcome to write to me at linda.courage60@gmail.com