The three key themes of Living Spirituality Connections (LSC)
The Creative Spirit
Living Spirituality Connections (LSC) seeks to bring our readers material, events and connections that are at the breaking edge of how faith and action might be understood, or simply held in mystery. The theme of ‘The Creative Spirit’ encompasses, or perhaps infuses, the other themes – ‘The Flourishing of the Earth and all Life’, and ‘Spiritual Journeying for Individuals and Groups’. The three themes map the scope of LSC at this time.
Our understanding of the nature of the universe of which we are a part is changing, and we recognise the limitations in naming the sacred (see the vision statement in the website section About LSC). Throughout the ages, philosophers and artists, poets and musicians, scientists and artisans have tried to understand and express something of the mystery and source of being. Each age re-imagines in order to liberate ‘life’, as a creative act for the cosmos.
Some contemporary re-imaginings include:
The creative spirit in the cosmos
“The cosmos itself is the primary medium through which we come to know the sacred. Today the sacramental approach usually accommodates evolutionary theory and aspects of contemporary physics. It embraces a holistic view of the Earth as an organism comprised of a delicately balanced web of interdependent relationship.” John Haught
“… our inherited texts and teachings ……. are still important, but they must be carefully sifted and reinterpreted in terms of a cosmological, relational, non-hierarchical, non-patriarchal, non-dualistic, and more organismic understanding of the universe. We must pay more attention to the sacral quality of the universe and not place such a heavy burden on premodern religious texts to give us the foundations of our environmental ethic.” John Haught
Creative energy has been present in the Universe from the beginning. In the words of Catholic writer Diarmuid O’Murchu, in his book Incarnation:
“Everything born out of that creation – including humans – mirrors the divine presence and especially its potential for co-creativity. Energy is the primary stuff through which the Spirit operates. …… We could describe it as transpersonal, embracing all that impacts upon the human but forever seeking the fuller integration of the human into the planetary and cosmic web of life.”
Theologian Catherine Keller, in her book On the Mystery. Discerning Divinity in Process, explains “The ruach Elohim – the spirit/breath/wind of God, pulses. ….. Creative Wisdom does not impose order but calls forth self-organising complexity.” This theology of creation celebrates rather than fears the “fecund mystery of this muliplicity.”
Creative Exploration
LSC explores ways of personal creative expression through our Gallery collection of artists images, and two of our Special Interest Areas: Arts and Spirituality
and Music and Spirituality
The Flourishing of the Earth and all Life
There is a shift underway in spirituality today, from a heaven-focused spirituality which placed great emphasis on transcending the world and the human condition to one which leads to an appreciation of the interconnectedness of all life and deeper engagement with humanity, and appreciation of our place within the whole cosmos. The importance of this is clear today given what we now know about the state of our ecosystems and our climate.
Our Special Interest Area Towards Human and Earth Flourishing provides links to a film; to centres that work with contemplation and action; and suggests relevant books. Go to
LSC often works in partnership with the Eco Church Project at St James’s Church Piccadilly, which offers a wide range of talks, workshops and liturgies to explore how we become more integrally related to the web of life. For the Eco Church programme, which includes online as well as in-person events, go to:
LSC’s website also has materials available for the course Love for the Future, which people could use as a local study course which encourages engagement with forms of action as well as contemplation. Go to:
Spiritual Journeying for Individuals and Groups
1. Specific practices
There are many ways to bring alive our innate connection with the sacred, which often becomes obscured through the pressures of everyday living. Forms of prayer and meditation are the best established routes. Our website section on spiritual practices also covers many other ways:
Art as meditation
Movement meditation
Walking the labyrinth
Music and song
Being in nature
The New Monasticism movement
Finding rhythm and balance
Using everyday activities
Relaxation and play
The Slow Movement
2. Sharing our spiritual journeys
We have provided a diversity of models for setting up local groups to share your journey with others, as well as setting out guidelines to help people to think through what kind of local group would work best. See